Publish the chatbot on Microsoft azure and setup Continuous deployment

Let's continue from the previous chatbot post and publish it to Microsoft azure.

1. Infra setup

Go to
Go to 'Create a resource and create a Web App Bot.

For bot template, I am choosing below settings to start with.

After you deployment success message in notifications, open the web app bot and click 'Test in Web Chat' to test.

2. Continuous deployment

Next, go to continuous deployment.
Setup the repository where your code resides. In my case, I specified

Now your continuous deployment with GitHub setup is complete. Whenever you commit to the source code repository, your changes will automatically be deployed to the Azure Bot Service.

Very soon, the deployment will automatically trigger.

To test the new deployment, go back to azure's Test in webchat feature. Just in case, you find any issues, enable application logs.

Anything unclear, leave a comment or check out related documentation for Microsoft Bot Framework.

Creating a basic Echo bot locally using Microsoft bot framework

We will use Azure Bot Service v3.

1. Setup version control

Create a new git repository. I did it on I chose various settings as shown in below image:

Clone the repository locally, create a new branch and push it to server. I did via following commands:
  git clone
  cd superbot
  git checkout master
  git checkout -b dev
  git push --set-upstream origin dev

2. Create a basic echobot using yeoman. 

I named my bot 'superbot' and select Echobot when asked.
  npm install -g npm
  npm install -g yo generator-botbuilder
  cd ..
  yo botbuilder
  cd superbot
  npm start

Now open the bot file in Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator to test the echobot.

3. Push to back to github.

git push

You can find the resulting code at

Any more questions, please leave a comment or check out related documentation for Microsoft Bot Framework.