Open source for Website Development

Hello Everyone!!
I was looking for softwares which may allow to develop a website by people sitting at different locations. I have come across some softwares (but these may not be what i was looking for..) -
  1. Joomla
  2. Joomlaperformance - for Joomla Extensions
  3. Cakephp- Start Guide.
  4. Moovum - Anti-spam software for Joomla websites
  5. Elxis- Features, System Requirements, Getting started.

Windows: Edit the list of users at the Welcome Screen(Tetsed on XP SP2)

Run regedit
Goto the following from the left navigation windows:
Microsft > Windows NT > Winlogon > SpecialAccounts > UserList
If 'Name123' is the username of the account you don't want at windows welcome screen then:
Edit > New > DWORD Value
Name it Name123.

But still one can access the hidden user account by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and manually filling up username and password.

Deleting the above created entry later will bring back the username at the welcome screen at all times.

Want to check which port is being used by which process in Windows?

Execute the following in cmd.exe:
netstat -aon
for the list of all open ports and corresponding process Ids (pid).

Name of the application for a particular pid can be retrieved by:

Filters can be applied in the above commands in case the output is verbose using pipeline ( | ) :
netstat -aon | findstr 3306
It will show only those line which has 3306.